Terms and conditions

The Terms and Conditions set out below along with those written in your Admission Letter are the terms upon which treatment will be provided to you at Moorfields Private Eye Hospital and Moorfields Private West End Ltd, both trading as Moorfields Private.

When you arrive at Moorfields Private as a Private Patient, you will receive a patient Registration Form. We require that you fully complete and sign the patient Registration Form. This may be either as the patient or as the patient’s representative, including as the parent/legal guardian of a paediatric patient.

Please read these Terms & Conditions carefully and raise any questions you may have before you sign the Registration Form agreeing to be bound by these terms.

In completing and signing the Registration Form, the signatories confirm acceptance of the Terms and Conditions and that you accept ultimate responsibility for payments of Moorfields Private charges, whether you are insured, sponsored or are self-funding, and that you understand Moorfields Private may use information about you in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

At a glance

  • As a private patient you undertake to pay all fees relating to your care. If you are being funded by a third party such as an insurer, you are liable for any shortfall or any other amount not covered by your insurer.
  • Moorfields Private, your consultant ophthalmologist, and - if relevant - your anaesthetist may all invoice for their services and you are liable for all fees relating to your care.
  • Cost estimates will be provided to you in advance of treatment. However, sometimes additional unforeseen costs are incurred, and you will be liable for these costs.
  • Moorfields Private provides package pricing for some procedures. These packages cover standard care. Inclusions and exclusions are outlined below.
  • If you are not sure about anything at any stage, please ask us.

General principles

Moorfields Private policy requires payment in advance of all surgical procedures. For all outpatient investigations and treatments payment is required on the day. This applies to all accounts, unless they are guaranteed by an insurer or third party that Moorfields Private has an agreement with.

In pursuing treatment at Moorfields Private you agree to the following conditions:

  • To make payment to Moorfields Private for all services and materials relating to your/the patient’s private diagnosis and treatment (e.g. consultations, tests, examinations, accommodations etc.) irrespective of the outcome of the treatment. 

  • That the account will be referred to Moorfields Private’s recovery agents if unpaid within the Terms of Business, and that all the details provided on the patient registration form will be made available to said recovery agents. This authority is unconditional and irrevocable.

  • That for the purpose of security, Moorfields Private reserves the right to instruct an appropriate agency to verify the patient's/my address. Such an enquiry will be recorded on the agency’s file and may be shared with other users. 

  • That if you are not ordinarily a resident in the UK, Moorfields Private and/or the recovery agents reserve the right to contact British Government missions abroad for the purposes of confirming and/or verifying the information provided regarding the next of kin, guarantor, visa sponsor and /or patient details.

  • To authorise Moorfield Private to submit claims relating to your/the patient’s diagnosis and/or treatment to your insurer/guarantor on my/the patients’ behalf.  

  • That notwithstanding the provisions of your personal undertaking, you agree to assign to Moorfields Private any of the rights to be paid for hospital or other related charges, by the insurers/guarantors in respect of the current episode of treatment provided. 

  • To authorising the disclosure of appropriate medical records, including copies (if necessary), to the insurer/guarantor as part of their claim and payment processing requirements. 

  • To accept full liability and understand that being insured does not mitigate your/the patients legal obligation to settle in full any shortfall of the account, within the terms stipulated and/or on the Moorfields Private invoice.

  • To authorise Moorfields Private, or its authorised agents, to make enquiries with your/the patient’s insurers or guarantors to confirm the extent of and the limits to, your/the patient's health insurance policy as related to proposed treatment.

  • The consultant ophthalmologist and anaesthetist involved in your care are not employed by Moorfields Private and in most cases will invoice you separately for their services. You will have a separate agreement with your consultant ophthalmologist. 

  • Consultant ophthalmologists are required to provide information on their fees ahead of any treatment. In some situations, Moorfields Private will provide this information on the consultant’s behalf. However, this remains the responsibility of the consultant ophthalmologist concerned. 

  • If you are unsure about how your agreement works or the fees for which you may be responsible, then you should check with Moorfields Private and your treating consultant ophthalmologist prior to commencing with your treatment.  

  • Moorfields Private provide private care services to patients who have private medical insurance, are sponsored by a third party (such as embassies), or are paying for their own treatment.

The following sections set out the Terms and Conditions that predominantly apply if you are funding your own treatment. Please refer to the section that applies to you.

Self pay patients

Self-pay – Outpatient appointments and treatment

The cost of your initial outpatient consultation is not included in any package pricing provided by Moorfields Private.

  • You will receive a separate charge from your consultant for their services, please refer to their practice manager who will provide you with the fees associated with your consultation.
  • In addition to the fee from your consultant ophthalmologist, there will be a fee payable to Moorfields Private for any diagnostic tests, prescriptions or treatment carried out during or following your consultation.

Self-pay – Package Pricing

This section applies if you have been provided with a fixed cost quotation letter for your procedure.

  • Moorfields Private package prices have been designed to provide a clear and inclusive charge for a set package of care. The package price will be offered to you following an initial consultation with a consultant ophthalmologist and once we are satisfied that you have no pre-existing medical conditions that may alter your care pathway. You may have been provided with a guide price prior to your consultation and although we aim to provide an accurate estimate of costs at that stage, it is only after your consultation that a formal quotation price will be offered which is valid for 60 days.
  • Our package prices are designed to cover what every patient needs who go through that procedure. However, in some and more complex cases, a consultant ophthalmologist may need to request additional diagnostic tests or scans to ensure the best outcome for you. For example, most patients do not require a B-SCAN before undergoing a cataract operation. However, in rare cases the consultant ophthalmologist cannot adequately see the back of the eye in the initial consultation and the consultant ophthalmologist will recommend an additional B-SCAN to ensure that the procedure can be carried out safely. This would be charged in addition to the package price.
  • It is essential that all information provided by you to your consultant ophthalmologist and in your medical questionnaire is accurate because non-disclosure of information may affect your treatment and invalidate your agreement with us. We will also undertake a clinical pre-assessment prior to your admission to ensure we are able to treat you safely at Moorfields Private.
  • Each package price will have inclusions and exclusions and this will be explained to you at the point of booking as part of the first stage consent process.
  • Package pricing is currently available for:

Package Price inclusions

We offer various packages. It should be explained to you in your consultation what is included, but please clarify with the hospital. A package price could include*:

  • Pre-operative nurse led assessment.
  • Hospital fees and services during your stay e.g. nursing care, operating theatre charges, drugs, dressings and catering.
  • Standard lenses for cataract surgery only (premium lenses will incur an additional charge).
  • Consultant ophthalmologist and anaesthetist fees for some packages.
  • Essential post surgery take home medication. 
  • One post-operative appointment following discharge within 2 weeks of your procedure, as long as it relates to the original procedure. 
  • Our aftercare offer becomes effective if there is a complication that relates directly to the original procedure that clinically requires further intervention. We will support the necessary treatment to rectify the complication, if clinically possible. It includes readmissions required to correct or address any complications of the original procedure, based on clinical need.
  • Please clarify package inclusions with Moorfields Private with the Admissions Team.

Package Price exclusions

  • Outpatient consultations and investigative scans to diagnose your eye condition prior to your admission.
  • Diagnostic tests and prescriptions provided prior to your admission.
  • Any additional scans, tests or upgrades that are not part of the routine package are not included in the package price, for example B scans for some cataract patients. Your consultant ophthalmologist or their practice manager will advise you if there are any additional costs before they are incurred.
  • Aftercare includes one post operative consultation. However, if you wish to see your consultant ophthalmologist outside of the covered surgery package plan, there may be additional charges which will be advised by your consultant ophthalmologist practice manager.
  • Any revision surgery which is not considered a direct complication of your original treatment. This includes where you have not followed pre-operative or post-operative instructions.
  • In the event that a package surgery requires an additional complex procedure, the package is voided and will be charged by item. This applies to both hospital and consultant ophthalmologist fees which will vary from the package fee.

Self-pay – payment on a per item basis

This section applies if you have seen a consultant ophthalmologist and your procedure is not covered by a package price offer, or we are unable to offer you the package price following pre-assessment. This may be due to the procedure required or a pre-existing medical condition.

  • Moorfields Private will provide an estimate of your treatment costs based on the information provided in your medical questionnaire and by your consultant ophthalmologist.
  • The estimate price will factor in the expected length of stay; the anticipated theatre time and any prosthesis / implant required, as well as the level of care you will likely require. During your stay, you will be provided with an ongoing account of fees incurred.
  • Please note that your consultant ophthalmologist will invoice separately for their services. Should you require the services of an anaesthetist or another consultant ophthalmologist during your episode of care, you will be also receive an invoice for their services separately.
  • You will be required to pay the estimated price in advance, in line with these Terms and Conditions.

Package price treatment outcome

  • If the outcome of your package price treatment does not reasonably conform with the representations made to you by your consultant ophthalmologist; and you, your consultant ophthalmologist, and Moorfields Private management are in agreement that a corrective procedure is required, this will be performed at no further cost. 
  • In the event of a disagreement on the outcome of your original package price treatment, a second opinion may be obtained from an independent consultant whose decision shall be final and binding. The cost of the second opinion shall be borne by you and shall be charged at the independent consultant’s standard rates.


  • Moorfields Private accepts all major credit and debit cards and our systems fully comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). The use of ‘tokenisation’ means that your method of payment is held in systems without storing your sensitive card data. All patients will be required to provide a credit or debit card (including those with health insurance).

Moorfields Private, City Road

Monday to Friday between 09:00 – 17:00 hours.

0207 566 2449

Moorfields Private, New Cavendish Street

Monday to Friday between 09:00 – 17:00 hours. 

0203 757 6555
  • Patients who have received an invoice from us can pay securely online through Worldpay.  You will receive an email with a link. Your patient reference number must be provided in all cases and an online receipt will be provided.
  • You are required to pay the full amount detailed in your quotation letter 14 days prior to admission. If your admission is scheduled less than 14 days in advance, you are required to pay within 24 hours of receiving the quotation. 
  • You may not be admitted to Moorfields Private unless funds have cleared.
  • If you are being treated under the pay per item Terms and Conditions, you will be required to pay your estimated Moorfields Private fee 14 days prior to admission. If the length of your stay is extended or you incur additional charges not included in your estimate, you will be required to make additional periodic payments during your stay; and any outstanding charges are to be paid on your discharge from Moorfields Private. 

Emergency Admissions 

  • If you are admitted as an emergency patient, you may not have had the opportunity to obtain a quotation for the cost of treatment in advance. However, every effort will be made to provide an estimate of costs as soon as possible. 
  • Unless you can provide proof of health insurance which is accepted by the hospital and a valid authorisation code you will be treated under the ‘pay per item basis’ of these Terms and Conditions, and you will be required to make an initial payment on account of £5,000. This will be reviewed on the next working day by Moorfields Private. Any overpayment will be refunded to you, and an estimate of ongoing costs will be provided. 
  • Where your consultant ophthalmologist and consultant anaesthetist invoice you separately, their terms and conditions will apply to the services they provide.

Cancellation Fees

Outpatient cancellation

  • Your outpatient consultation is carried out under an agreement between you and your consultant ophthalmologist.
  • Please refer to your consultant ophthalmologist for the relevant cancellation fees.
  • You may be required to pay for your consultation at the point of booking and non-attendance could result in a charge.

Self-pay procedures, or outpatient procedure, or diagnostic cancellation

We reserve the right to apply a cancellation fee for any cancelled appointment dependent on the notice period.

  • If you are cancelling your procedure more than 48 hours before your admission or treatment date, and no pre-assessment appointment has taken place, you will receive a full refund. Unless your treatment involves pre-ordered material such as grafts or lenses, which would be chargeable in full.
  • Cancellations made within 24 - 48 hours will incur a cancellation fee of 20% of the amount quoted for your procedure.  
  • In the event you provide less than 24 hours’ notice of cancellation, or do not attend for your appointment or admission, you will be liable for the full amount and no refund will be provided.
  • You will remain liable for any fees relating to treatment or diagnostics received up to the point of cancellation.
  • Cancellation fees may be waived if treatment is completed within 30 days.
  • A full refund will be provided where your admission or treatment is cancelled on your consultant’s recommendation due to medical reasons.


Moorfields Private is a recognised and approved healthcare provider with several major UK based medical insurers.

  • If you intend to use your private medical insurance to cover your treatment, it is your responsibility to check the terms and conditions of your policy and confirm agreement with your insurer before your consultation, investigation and any diagnostic tests or treatment. If your insurer agrees to cover the cost of your treatment, your Insurer will issue you with an authorisation number. It is your responsibility to ensure that you provide Moorfields Private and your consultant ophthalmologist your correct membership number and authorisation code.
  • Although our charges are pre-agreed with insurers, your insurer will have their own benefit limits.  Therefore, please ensure you are clear on (i) any benefit limits that apply to your policy prior to your consultation (for example for out-patient appointments and tests) and (ii) if your policy requires you to pay something towards your overall claim (such as an excess or co-payment).
  • Your insurer will answer any questions if you are unsure.
  • It is very important you bring with you to each appointment:
    • Your medical insurance membership or policy number (please bring your membership card if you have been issued with one or your membership certificate);
    • Your authorisation number.
  • Moorfields Private will normally invoice your insurer directly for all hospital charges related to your treatment and care. Please however note the following:

    You may receive separate invoices from your:
    (1) Consultant Ophthalmologist

              and/or your 
    (2) Consultant Anaesthetist

    in which case the onus is on you to forward these to your insurance company.

  • If we cannot get satisfactory confirmation of your cover from your insurer, or if we don’t have an arrangement with your insurer, we will ask you to pay the full estimated cost of your treatment in advance as well as any further amounts (should this be necessary) both during and at the end of your stay. We will provide a final copy of your invoice when you leave hospital and it will then be your responsibility to claim your treatment costs directly from your insurer.
  • Any charges to your account that are not routinely met by your insurer (such as visitors’ meals, telephone calls and take home medicines) will become your responsibility. Please ensure that you understand what your insurance policy covers.
  • Equally, any charges arising out of insurance excesses and shortfalls will become your responsibility. For these reasons, even if you are using your private medical insurance, you must still provide details of a valid credit or debit card when you register with Moorfields Private so that Moorfields Private can recover any insurance excesses and shortfalls not disclosed at the time of your consultation.
  • If for any reason your insurance provider changes during your treatment it is important that you let Moorfields Private know of the change in insurer before your new policy takes effect.
  • Take home medication is not covered by medical insurance, you will incur a charge for prescribed medications.
  • If you make a payment for your treatment and subsequently you obtain insurance approval, your initial payment will be refunded as soon as Moorfields Private receives payment from your insurer. Part of the payment may be retained to cover any excess or shortfall in the insurance payment. 

Third Party Sponsored Patients

  • We have arrangements in place with several embassies, Health Offices and other third parties and can normally invoice them directly for the care and treatment of patients they are sponsoring.
  • Our staff will normally make all necessary arrangements however, Moorfields Private must receive a Letter of Guarantee before any admissions or treatments can commence.
  • In addition, we ask that patients bring with them their copy of the Letter of Guarantee for each appointment and procedure. 
  • Without a Letter of Guarantee from an approved third party, the Private Patient is liable for any costs incurred. This includes any care which is not covered by the Letter of Guarantee.

Unpaid accounts

If all or part of your fees remain unpaid within 30 days of the invoice date, Moorfields Private reserves the right to charge interest at 4% per annum above the Bank of England base rate. 

Last updated: February 2025

Next review date: January 2027