News and blogs

Contact the communications team

Our communications team manages all media enquiries and requests for the trust. Please email a member of the team at 


Services we provide

Journalists must contact the communications team first - do not approach our staff directly. We are in the best position to find the information you need quickly or provide an authoritative source for your story. We can also:

  • Help you find experts for a wide range of eye diseases and eye health issues.
  • Oversee filming and photography relevant to our work.
  • Provide the latest news at Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

We are keen to promote the work being carried out at Moorfields Eye Hospital in the media. However, the welfare of patients is our primary concern and we reserve the right to decline media requests where these conflict with patient care, our duty to patient and staff confidentiality or operational requirements.

We regret that we are unable to deal with student requests.


Filming and photography

We receive many requests for documentary and location filming. All proposals will be considered and accommodated where possible and appropriate.

Photography or filming at Moorfields Eye Hospital must be agreed and arranged in advance with the communications team.

We cannot agree to all requests and reserve the right to decline. Anyone found filming or taking photographs without the permission of our communications team will be asked to leave immediately and footage and photographs may be confiscated.

If you would like to arrange filming or photography at Moorfields, please complete our filming request form and return to