11 Moorfields staff named on The Ophthalmologist Power List 2024

11 Moorfields staff were named on The Ophthalmologist Power List 2024, a list of the 100 most influential people in the world of ophthalmology.

Every year, The Ophthalmologist magazine celebrates the many inspirational and influential clinicians, scientists and leaders in ophthalmology. Keith Barton, consultant ophthalmologist at Moorfields and professor of ophthalmology at UCL Institute of Ophthalmology (Ioo) was named within the top ten. Keith’s areas of interest encompass many aspects of the surgical management of glaucoma, especially aqueous shunt devices, micro-invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS) and secondary glaucoma. He has been a leading innovator, and has published over 200 peer-reviewed papers, and continually works to share knowledge of glaucoma surgical techniques.

Gus Gazzard, director of surgery at Moorfields and professor of ophthalmology (glaucoma studies) at UCL IoO was named within the top twenty. Gus’s areas of interest are the diagnosis and surgical management of glaucoma and cataracts, with a focus on randomised controlled trials of treatment as well as the epidemiology and prevention of myopia. He was chief investigator of the landmark LiGHT trial of laser treatment for glaucoma, a major 8-year study into the most effective use of selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT) which has changed glaucoma treatment across the globe.

Power List

Moorfields staff also named on the Power List include:

  • Louisa Wickham – NHS England national clinical director for eyecare, medical director and consultant ophthalmologist
  • Sobha Sivaprasad - director of the NIHR Moorfields clinical research facility, consultant ophthalmologist and UCL IoO professor in retinal clinical research
  • Mariya Moosajee - professor of molecular ophthalmology at UCL IoO and consultant ophthalmologist
  • Anthony Khawaja - associate professor at UCL IoO and honorary consultant ophthalmic surgeon
  • James Bainbridge – chair of retinal studies at UCL IoO and consultant ophthalmologist
  • Adnan Tufail - consultant ophthalmologist
  • Pearse Keane – professor of artificial intelligence at UCL IoO and consultant ophthalmologist
  • Lyndon da Cruz – consultant ophthalmologist
  • Paul Foster - professor of ophthalmic epidemiology and glaucoma studies, theme leader – population and data sciences, UCL IoO and Moorfields.

Congratulations to all our staff featured on the Power List 2024, and to all their teams who have worked alongside them.

This accomplishment follows after Moorfields’ Sir Peng Tee Khaw and David (Ted) Garway-Heath were named in The Ophthalmologist Power List Hall of Fame to reflect their lifelong achievements. Siegfried Wagner was also recently named as a Power List Rising Star.



Last updated: 1 May 2024