The Audit and Risk Committee is a formal committee of the Board and is authorised to provide assurance to the Board and carry out delegated functions on its behalf.
The committee is empowered to initiate investigations and other reviews as it considers necessary to provide necessary assurance.
These terms of reference have been approved by the board and are subject to annual review.
The purpose of the Committee is to review the effectiveness of the Trust’s corporate governance and internal control systems, and report to the Board on its findings.
Details of its responsibilities are set out below.
The members of the Committee will be appointed by the Board, as follows:
The Committee Chair will have a casting vote, if needed.
The following will also regularly attend the committee:
Others may attend as agreed by the Committee Chair as necessary.
The Chief Executive will be invited to attend the committee on an annual basis in order to provide assurance in relation to his responsibilities as the Accounting Officer. This should be the same meeting during which the review of the annual accounts and report takes place.
The Committee shall meet at least once a year separately with internal audit and external audit with no trust officers present.
The quorum will be two members.
The following will also regularly attend the committee;
Others may attend as agreed by the committee chair as necessary.
The chief executive will be invited to attend the committee on an annual basis in order to provide assurance in relation to his responsibilities as the Accounting Officer. This should be the same meeting during which the review of the annual accounts and report takes place.
The committee shall meet at least once a year separately with internal audit and external audit with no trust officers present.
The Committee will meet at least four times per year and members are expected to attend at least 75% of meetings in any year.
The Committee can only carry out functions authorised by the Board, as referenced in these terms of reference.
The Committee will carry out the following on behalf of the Board:
Review waivers to the standing financial instructions (including single tenders), to ensure they are reasonable and do not represent a significant weakening of internal control.
review write offs to ensure they represent value for money and do not represent a significant weakening of internal control.
review and approve the internal audit plan.
review internal audit reviews and oversee the completion of management actions.
carry out ‘deep dives’ as appropriate.
review any known breaches to the Trust constitution, standing orders and/or SFIs.
The committee will carry out the following functions to provide assurance to the board:
Financial reporting
through meetings with management and the external auditors, ensure the annual report (including the annual governance statement) and financial statements of the trust
Internal control and risk management
Internal auditors and counter fraud
External auditors
Other duties as agreed by the board
Following each meeting of the Committee, an update will be provided to the Board, in a standard format, highlighting any issues for escalation or dissemination.
Minutes of meetings will be available for any board member on request.
The Committee will carry out an annual review of its effectiveness against these terms of reference and this will be reported to the Board.
There are no sub-committees of the audit and risk committee.
The executive lead for the committee will be the Chief Financial Officer.
The secretary for the Committee will be the Company Secretary.
The secretary’s role will be to;
Any other administrative arrangements not listed here will be as shown in the standing orders of the board of directors
Date approved by the board: November 2024
Date of next review: November 2025