Accessible Information Standard (AIS)

We strive to deliver excellent, equitable, and compassionate care to all our patients, ensuring we are meeting the requirements of the Accessible Information Standard (AIS).

We also have a legal duty to provide accessible care, not just for those with sight loss, but for all patients with accessible needs. 

This includes providing healthcare information in ways that our patients can access and understand.

We have made important changes to how we identify and record patients' accessible needs to ensure we can provide information and support services that are individual to our patients' needs.

We aim to provide appointment letters digitally, via our patient portal DrDoctor. Our clinic outcome letters are currently sent in the post but will be available via the patient portal soon.

As well as providing information digitally, to allow for ease of use online via assisted technologies, we can offer the following services to our patients:

  • Large font letters and leaflets
  • Easy Read format letters and leaflets
  • Braille format letters and leaflets
  • Verbal and visual communication support, including British Sign Language interpreters and Deafblind communicator guides
  • Hearing loops in clinics

If you would like to use our online patient portal or have a specific communication or support need, please call or email us using the information you have for your clinic and a member of staff will update your details.