Richard Desmond Children's Eye Centre

The Richard Desmond Children's Eye Centre is our dedicated children's hospital.

Address: 3 Peerless Street, London EC1V 9EZ

The active triage process in our accident & emergency (A&E) department is set up to assess and treat children with urgent and emergency conditions; the range of routine tests and investigations is limited in this department.


Why do we do this?

Active triage is a check to see who needs to be seen urgently today for treatment and who would be better seen at another time in one of our regular clinics or by a community optometrist/optician.

This means that if children need emergency care in A&E they will have a shorter wait to receive treatment because the department will not be so full. Any child needing less urgent care can be seen and treated in a booked clinic with all the tests available or directed to the best place to be assessed.


How does this affect my child?

When you come to the children’s A&E in Moorfields, your child will be assessed by a triage-trained nurse who will decide which option can provide the best care for them today.

If your child has an urgent eye problem this will most likely mean immediate treatment today. If your child does not require emergency eye care one of the following options will apply:

  • You will either be given an appointment date for a clinic before you leave or be sent an appointment in one of our clinics best suited for your child’s needs.
  • We will recommend that your child has a standard eye test with a community optometrist (‘high street optician’). If there are any issues, the optometrist will be able to refer you on to the hospital eye service.
  • We will recommend that your child sees their GP for referral to your local eye clinic.

Your child’s records will also be checked by a senior paediatric eye doctor and if any change in plan is required we will be in touch.


A&E for children is located in the Richard Desmond Children’s Eye Centre

Opening hours: Monday to Friday: 9am to 4pm. 

Outside of these hours, please attend the adult A&E department at Moorfields City Road (around the corner).

Richard Desmond Children's Eye Centre

The Richard Desmond Children's Eye Centre is our dedicated children's hospital. It is based on the same campus as the main hospital in London's City Road, but has a separate entrance in Peerless Street.


Richard Desmond Children's Eye Centre, Moorfields Eye Hospital.

3 Peerless Street
